Julian Franklin’s Creating Educationally Significant Programs


Creating Educationally Significant Programs
In this program he tips one of his biggest, most lucrative secrets: The Secret of Educational Significance. This item along with ALL JULIAN FRANKLIN PRODUCTS are available ONLY through MakeMagicMoney.com


Creating Educationally Significant Programs
In this program (which includes 2 audio CDs and a printed manual) you’ll learn:

  • The difference between “educational” and “educationally significant” (subtle in syntax, MAJOR in educational impact and fee structure!)
  • Why some performers charge three times as much and have a waiting list and others can’t get work to pay the bills (it ISN’T necessarily their performance skills or their marketing!  Hint: it has to do with the point above)
  • How you can increase your value to the schools and increase your fee accordingly
  • Practical examples of real performance pieces that work and which ones you should avoid like the plague!
  • The advice that 90% of the “experts” are shovel feeding you and you should NOT follow!

Get the real work right here, from someone who doesn’t talk from the sidelines.  Julian performs educational programs for schools 100-120 school days per year (at up 5 shows per day, that usually equates to 350+ paid school performances each year), plus another 100 or so educational library shows during the summer.  In this program he tips one of his biggest, most lucrative secrets: The Secret of Educational Significance.

Having written over 20 books, produced several audio programs, and authored hundreds of published magazine articles, Julian Franklin abilities and knowledge are well renowned around the world, as an authority in marketing, business and educational assembly programs.